Sunday, 2 November 2008

4 Elements through music

This band gained my interest due to their concept albums they have recently created.  They are a two-part, duo of albums, called the alchemy index.  It basically is a band, called thrice, that have attached their music to elements.  They have 4 sets of about 5 to 6 tracks which are centered around either fire, water, earth or air.  It sparked my interest to see a band taking a different approach to creating an album.  They set out a mood and tried to create music which matched this mood.  Not only is their music centered around this theme but their whole advertisement of the album.  The photography matches the elemental theme and the concept itself is refreshing to see.

It allows the band to create acoustic, electronic, heavy rock and calm-atmospheric music in the four separate chapters.  It's an amazing variety of approaches and altogether an amazing look at this bands talent.  The whole idea of combining music to elements makes this an exciting project from the off and I recommend listening to the end product.  Very satisfying...

The website also mirrors this concept and is pleasant to scan.  It can be found here.

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