Sunday, 2 November 2008

What makes good design enjoyable?

Good design seems to be found by changing our perspective of something. Getting something we are used to seeing every day and changing it so we view it differently.

Buy one here if you want :)

I think it works well as we notice a depth to the work that is usually not apparent in lesser design. We know just by looking at a piece of work that a lot of thought has gone in to it. We respect that the artist has taken the time to turn away from the norm and strive for the new. I think we also like it because it teaches us something in a way. It becomes a simple message showing us a more interesting side of an object that we thought to be plain and unmoving. Thus opening our eyes for a second and allowing us to crawl out of the midset we are in day-in, day-out. An original piece of design becomes something that expands the viewers mindset, shows them a new perspective, allows them to be impressed, and for a second, makes them think they know a little bit more about the world.

Still, it's not an easy thing to achieve...

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