Sunday, 2 November 2008

Memory and Humanity - Album Art

Art as a form of advertisement.  It takes the title of the album and seems to convey it in a form of art.  The visual itself is a clever interpretation which uses the title and adds depth to the words.  It allows the viewer to think the words relate to the image and therefore makes you explore their meanings in correlation with the composition.  Or it allows you to think "ooh, that's a pretty picture".  That's the beauty with some pictures.  It satisfies the deep thinkers and the easily pleased alike.

When I actually bought this album I was pleasantly surprised with the way it was presented.  The case was in the form of a book, not the usual plastic cases you find!  It combined the CD case within the book which made it stand out compared to the shelves of clear plastic copies.  It is something I haven't seen before and I commend the company for such a different approach.  The book has the exact dimensions of a CD case, is hardback and holds the CDs in each cover with the accompanying booklet infused into the books pages.  This is a new medium to store the contents which I like due to it relating the CD to a book.  Very unique indeed...

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