Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Computers effecting how you think

Strolling through The Sunday Times I came across an article titled:

Keep clicking and you’ll be a snappy thinker
The net is making us good at quick decisions – but there is a cost

Write Helen Brooks and Brendan Montague

It's an article about how long term use of a computer can effect the way you think and interact with other people. There are positives and negatives as with all things. It states how those who naturally adapt successfully in the next generations may be the next evolution of our race and be more successful economically,(also mentioning Darwin's Theory of Evolution). Long term computer usage has proven to increase decision making time but limit other areas such as abstract thinking.

As a graphic designer it makes you wonder whether you are being subject to a bigger change than the rest of the population. Let's face it we spend a hell of a lot of time on these computers, change is inevitable it seems, but will we be at the forefront of this change or are we on a different track completely? It just got me thinking that's all...

Read the story yourself here

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