Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Rough Hands

Rough Hands - Alexisonfire

This song will obviously not be liked by everyone but for a moment just forget that you hate music like this and then look again.

Songs that capture moods and enhance them through a short experience, such as this, are works of great creativity in my opinion. It's really difficult to create good lyrics, create matching melodies and deliver them successfully. The fact that this song has found a concept and delivered it well makes it stand out in my opinion. I am obviously biased towards liking it as I like the band but this doesn't mean I'm wrong. If you read the lyrics (which you have to due to it being difficult to hear) you find that the mood of the song matches the ideas within it.

Rough Hands, taking the term literally, could be considered a symbol of a person becoming old or a hint that a person has been through a lot of hardship. The way simple things are interpreted and expanded upon to explain strong concepts in music is one that is similar in visual media. The link is very close and when the application is acheived successfully it tends to make the work stand out.

Other songs within their repitour have similar standards of creativity and depict images through crazy lyrics like:

The sky's a brick wall. The ground's a juggernaut. Each day they get a bit closer. Between them, i am caught.

This is taken from the song This could be Anywhere, which creates a dark image of a city and its inhabitants, a gem of a song in my opinion. The creative approach to these visions is very inspiring and the way they paint such a good image in your mind is perfect. If you can handle the screaming and darker side of their music then there is a lot of inspiration to be absorbed in how they translate their ideas across.

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