Of all the museums I have visited this was definitely the weirdest in terms of architecture. It is in a small park but the most striking feature is the three-headed elephant in the middle which can be seen for miles around in the flat streets of Bangkok. Not only is this giant statue amazing to look at it has an eyrie presence when you're driving past. The proportions are perfect and it wouldn't have been a shock if it moved.
Amazing! But wait there's more. You can actually walk into the elephant! There's a small window in the side to allow you to look out. There are 3 main levels to it representing different periods and themes within religion. The base, hall (just under where the elephant stands) and then the elephant itself. The inside is beautiful, a true masterpiece, for example the middle room comprises of two main stair cases which are serpents intertwined. They are themselves surrounded by four pillars which represent the various religions. Each pillar is comprised of pictures depicting the religion and its themes.
The other rooms are as enchanting as the first and the skill in which they have been constructed are truly inspiring. The amount of detail and thought that has gone into it is amazing, definitely worth a look.
It is privately owned and I am yet to find out the Architect. I'll get back to you on who it was.
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