Tuesday, 14 October 2008

"I gotta have more cowbell!"

Things like this are amazing.  I watched the movie The Frighteners which stars Michael J. Fox and has this whole song on the credits.  The comedy in this clip is so simple and stupid.  When the actors don't take themselves seriously and are obviously doing this as much to make themselves laugh as anyone else it brings a new level to the delivery.  Will Ferrel is a genius.

The creation of this tacky studio and cramped set help the comedy to flow.  Putting so many key items into a small space, such as the door, cowbell, tight shirts, actors, musicians, all help to promote this ridiculous image.  The rawness and lack of professionalism help to give this clip a certain quality.  It's like a breath of fresh air when compared to the perfectly finished ads we strive for today.


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