Wednesday, 29 October 2008


So I went surfing for the first time ever the other day to sunny Scarborough. It was great fun, as expected, and it opened my eyes to the water sports world. The rush from riding a wave, as stated by Ken Bradshaw, cannot be fully described, only surfers themselves know what the feeling is like.

From this I watched a documentary The Billabong Odyssey which features some of the worlds best surfers chasing the biggest swells in the world. The sheer scale of these waves is god-like compared to the tiny man surfing the front of it. It's mesmirizing to think that a wave so big is not only real in the world, but can be ridden on a surfboard. These guys, and girls, really are living life on the edge. Check out this video and tell me you're not in awe:

Mike Parsons rides the biggest wave of the day
right after having an extreme wipeout.


Anonymous said...

surfing is ammmmazing yay!
but not in cold england no no, you have to hit up the warm waves in sunny Oz for sure wraggyman. :D

Iain in Oz said...

More responses from the Ozzie contingency here.

Was very close to blogging about surfing myself, honestly, sometimes surfing is such a beautiful thing it is near an art form. Literally.